Sunday, May 31, 2009

lulled into the buff


the only kind of shot I could get without a really long lens.

Monday, May 25, 2009

3 daze weekend

5 cookouts
3 pools
2 Forests
2 mtn bike rides
out of tubes
out of beer

Southern 'chaux trails start from this guy's driveway.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

bike park F2

We showed Jessee's plan to the Recreation Board tonight. Unanimous approval to move on to the next step. Which is: show more details, more photos, drawings, plans; get the grants started; and get ready to take it to the Town Council for the real step.

If you have any plans or good photos of jump parks or street parks, send them this way.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Two more quotes....
Something like 27 of 35 miles is "launchable".
... I think I spent more time in the air than on the trail. ...

Friday, May 08, 2009

Economic Experiment

If it's built, will you come?

I don't have the words in me to describe the new Raystown trail experience. There were so many great quotes overhead this weekend, and there was a lot of stout flowing, so most of them are forgotten. A few of the quotes are scattered below. A few pics, though most turned out too blurry. I need a faster camera to capture the flow and speed of Raystown, something that isn't much of a problem shooting someone cleaning a slow techy section in Michaux. There will be plenty of other stories and photos about the weekend out in the interwebworld, especially from Dirt Rag. Search those out if you want the full story.

There were more than 200 riders there, and it was like we were all little kids waiting for a new amusement park to open so we could ride the big roller coaster.

two of the many master coaster builders involved here

"uncontrollable giggling"

"Michaux: more ghetto than you"

Jody knows how to rail a berm.
"Best use ever of my tax dollars"

Look who's the cover boy for the brochure. It's the drunken chute documentary producer. They used Kegley's photo, and one of mine of the Big Dawg on the inside.

Check out this video, the crash at the end. There are 100s of rollers like these all over the 30+ miles. You get a lot of chances to smack a tree. "...the only technical thing here is your speed..."

I even discovered there are some rocks on the Raystown trails, and allegedly even more on the southern section which I didn't get to ride. But it's certainly not the rocks that are the draw here. For me, it's the speed and flow, and the numerous opportunities to eat bark (Ride Good or Eat Wood?).

Wednesday, May 06, 2009