Tuesday, April 26, 2011

this pic was too cool to not steal
full credit to the kung fu pump master here

Donuts are as good as Cupcakes,
sometimes more reliable too
easter sunday service
we will soon see just how not ready for prime time I've ever been in Spring

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pine Hill

Birth of the next X-Games event here at Sea Otter?

the latest Pine Hill design
we're taking comments if you got 'em

Sunday, April 03, 2011

I was the wait for me guy on the sunday service today,
even bailed it short
not feeling anywhere near a 40 in me

went to check the pump track later on for the potential Monday night sesh and met a couple guys from Gettysburg there with nice DJ bikes.
glad I took a little wheel bike along just in case as a
good time ensued,
the track was riding great before this rain.

Friday, April 01, 2011


finally found this video of last summer's contest at the now-defunct Cluggy's skatepark in Chambersburg.
some of these guys have actually ridden our pump track
yea, they think it's pretty lame